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Friday, January 31, 2014

A fabulous desk....

Sometimes, one needs to be a lady. It's almost a forgotten thing these days.

 Technology aside, a girl really needs a fabulous desk. One that invites journaling, hand scripted postcard writing, planning, and prettifying....

....somewhere to keep treasured photographs in embellished frames...an iPhone screen or digital display just isn't the same...

....a place for a special collection of books, just for me. And a bowl full of hand stamped French script calico bunting, trimmed with teastained lace, gifted to me by my gorgeous friend Annabel...

...a beautiful pen in a darling penstand, makes writing something to look forward to. This little gem was a present from my husband, and is embellished with seed pearls and genuine turquoise beads...

A true ladylike desk is something to love, and softly lit by twin crystal lamps, is a welcome sight in a forgotten corner.
Truly, one of the good things in life.


  1. Mimi, what an inspiration for me to tidy up a few bits and pieces around the House of Flora! Thank you! That pen holder is just exquisite, I have never seen anything like it. Just lovely! :D

    1. Merci dear Flora! I love playing 'ladies' at my desk :)


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