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Saturday, February 8, 2014

Hand dyed muslin roses...

Hand dye a length of muslin by using half as much dye as recommended on the packet (or even less for a baby pastel shade) in a bucket of hot tap water.
Immerse the muslin for just 20 seconds, remove, and drip dry.
Cut into 1 metre lengths.
Fold strips in half lengthwise.
Roll your rose as per these instructions.
Secure with glue or a couple of stitches.

Use as a hair ornament, wrist corsage, brooch or gift embellishment.


Be sure to check me and all the other lovely bloggers out at Brambleberry Cottages Linky Party...


...more dreamy ideas there!

1 comment:

  1. Mimi I love muslin so much. Tea or coffee is lovely too for a soft antique feel. I love your little roses! xxx


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